13 de noviembre de 2015

Instalación OBIEE en alta Disponibilidad - HA

1.1   Prerequisitos

·         Cumplir con los prereq de SO de OBIEE
·         Tener instalado WL 10.3.6 previamente en el nodo1 y nodo2 en el mismo path (/u01/oracle/Middleware)
·         Contar con una BD Oracle y crear los repositorios de OBIEE con el RCU.

1.2   Instalación binarios OBIEE Nodo1

1.2.1          Ejecución Instalador

$ cd /Stage/bishiphome/Disk1
$ ./runInstaller

1.2.2          Especificar el OraInventory

Inventory Directory: /u01/oracle/oraInventory
Group: oinstall

“Tener root, para ejecutar el root.sh”

$ su – root
# cd /u01/oracle/oraInventory/
# sh createCentralInventory.sh
Setting the inventory to /oracle/oraInventory
Setting the group name to oinstall
Creating the Oracle inventory pointer file (/var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc)
Changing permissions of /u01/oracle/oraInventory to 770.
Changing groupname of /u01/oracle/oraInventory to oinstall.
The execution of the script is complete

Luego click en “OK”

1.2.3          Pantalla Bienvenida

Hacemos click en Next:

1.2.4          Install Sofware updates

Seleccionamos “Skip software update”y click en next

1.2.5          Select Installation Type

Elegimos “Software Only Install” and click en next

1.2.6          Prerequisite Checks

Si da todo ok, click en Next:

1.2.7          Specify Installation Locations

Buscamos el path donde instalamos WL , nos da un warning indicando que ya esta instlado.
Pero hacemos click en Next

1.2.8          Application Server

Seleccionamos “Weblogic” y click en Next

1.2.9          Summary

Click in Iinstall

1.3   Configuración de OBIEE Nodo1


1.3.1          Welcome

Click en Next

1.3.2          Prerequisite Checks

Precheck ok, click en next

1.3.3          Create a Domain

Select Password: weblogic1 and click in next

1.3.4          Specify Installation Locations

Se pueden dejar los valores por defecto y click en next.


1.3.5          Configure components

En una instalación standard de OBIEE, no hace falta seleccionar RT o Essbase Suite.

1.3.6          BIPLATFORM SCHEMA

String de conexión:
Luego click en next, , y automáticamente completa los datos para PROD_MDS

1.3.7          MDS Schema

Click en Next

1.3.8          Configure Ports

Dejamos la configuración por defecto en Next:

1.3.9          Security update

Deseleccionar utilizar Updates.

1.3.10      Proceso Configuración

Click in next

1.3.11      Summary

Es recomendable, guardar los datos de esta pantalla como un txt en el home del usuario.
Ya que nos deja las url de acceso  y path más importantes.

1.4   Configuraciones en Gral

1.4.1          Crear boot.properties

Este paso es necesario para que se pueda iniciar OBIEE por Línea de Comando sin que pida password,, luego del primer inicio la clave queda encriptada.
# cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/bi_server1/security
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties

$ cd $DOMAIN_HOME servers/AdminServer/security
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties

1.5   Configuración para Alta Disponibilidad en Nodo1

Del Manual:
Oracle® Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
Part Number E15722-05

HA OBIEE / WT Specifying the RPD Publishing Directory

1.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.
2.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_domain_name window.
3.       Click coreapplication.
4.       Click Deployment, then Repository.
5.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration.
6.       Select Share Repository and specify the RPD Publishing Directory for the Oracle BI Repository.
7.       In a Windows environment, you must specify a UNC path name.

_ Select Share Repository and specify the RPD Publishing Directory for the Oracle BI Repository.

_ Click Apply.
_ Click Activate Changes.

_ If you already have a repository deployed locally in your system, upload the repository again so that it gets copied to the shared location. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

cd $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository
cp * /oracle/shared/obiee/rpd Setting the Location of the Shared Oracle BI Presentation Catalog
1.       Copy the existing (locally published) catalog to the shared location. An example of a locally published catalog is:
2.       You must perform this step before designating the Catalog Location from Fusion Middleware Control.
3.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.
4.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_domain_name window.
5.       Click coreapplication.
6.       Click Deployment, then click Repository.
7.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration.
8.       Specify the Catalog Location for the shared Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.
9.       In a Windows environment, you must specify a UNC path name.

1.    Copy your existing (locally published) Oracle BI Presentation Catalog to the shared location. An example of a locally published catalog is:

cd  /oracle/Middleware/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/catalog/SampleAppLite

mkdir -p /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPresentationCatalog/SampleAppLite
cp -R * /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPresentationCatalog/SampleAppLite

    Click Apply.
    Click Activate Changes. Setting the Location of the Global Cache

The global cache resides on a shared file system (a mounted file system on UNIX, or a network shared drive on Windows) and stores purging events, seeding events (often generated by Agents), and result sets associated with seeding events. Note that each Oracle BI Server still maintains its own local query cache for regular queries.

Perform the following steps in Fusion Middleware Control:

1.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.
2.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_domain_name window.
3.       Click coreapplication.
4.       Click Capacity Management, then click Performance.
5.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration.
6.       In the Global Cache section, specify the shared location for storing purging and seeding cache entries in the Global cache path field. In a Windows environment, you must specify a UNC path name.
7.       Enter a value for Global cache size to specify the maximum size of the global cache (for example, 250 MB).
8.       Click Apply.
9.       Click Activate Changes.
10.    Click Restart to apply recent changes.
11.    Click Restart under Manage System.
12.    Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

mkdir -p /oracle/shared/obiee/BiGlobalCache

9.2.2 Setting the Location of the Shared Oracle BI Publisher Configuration Folder

Follow these steps to set server configuration options for Oracle BI Publisher:

 Copy the contents of the DOMAIN_HOME/config/bipublisher/repository directory to the shared configuration folder location.

cd $DOMAIN_HOME/config/bipublisher/repository
mkdir -p /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPublisherConfiguration/repository
cp -R * /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPublisherConfiguration/repository

    On APPHOST1, log in to BI Publisher with Administrator credentials and select the Administration tab.

    Under System Maintenance, select Server Configuration.

In the Path field under Configuration Folder, enter the shared location for the Configuration Folder.
In the BI Publisher Repository field under Catalog, enter the shared location for the BI Publisher Repository.


9.2.3 Reiniciar todo OBIEE

Because Oracle BI Publisher reads its configuration from the Administration Server central location rather than from the Managed Server's configuration directory when the Managed Servers are restarted, you must copy the XML configuration file for Oracle BI Publisher from the Managed Server to the Administration Server location.

Tenemos que copier el xmlp-server-config.xml a la ubicación compartida.

$ cd /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPublisherConfiguration/repository/Admin/Configuration
$ mv xmlp-server-config.xml xmlp-server-config.xml_old
$ cd $DOMAIN_HOME/config/bipublisher/repository/Admin/Configuration
$ cp xmlp-server-config.xml /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPublisherConfiguration/repository/Admin/Configuration

1.6   Instalación de Binarios de OBIEE en Nodo2

1.6.1          Instalación de Binarios de OBIEE en nodo 2

$ cd /Stage/bishiphome/Disk1
$ ./runInstaller

1.6.2          Especificar el OraInventory

Misma úbicación que en el nodo2,
Luego click en “OK”

1.6.3          Pantalla Bienvenida

Hacemos click en Next:

1.6.4          Install Sofware updates

Seleccionamos “Skip software update”y click en next

1.6.5          Select Installation Type

Elegimos “Software Only Install” and click en next(esto es para utilizar WL 10.3.6)

1.6.6          Prerequisite Checks

Si da todo ok, click en Next:

1.6.7          Specify Installation Locations

Buscamos el path donde instalamos WL , nos da un warning, pero hacemos click en Next

1.6.8          Application Server

Seleccionamos “Weblogic” y click en Next

1.6.9          Summary

Click in Iinstall

1.1   Scaling Out the System Components

 1.1.1          9.3.2 Scaling Out the System Components
cd /oracle/Middleware/Oracle_BI1/bin/
Perform the following steps to scale out the system components:
1.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.
2.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_domain_name window.
3.       Click coreapplication.
4.       Click Capacity Management, then click Scalability.
5.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration.
6.       For the APPHOST2 instance2 Oracle instance, increment the Oracle Business Intelligence components by 1:
        BI Servers
        Presentation Services
7.       Click Apply.
8.       Click Activate Changes.

1.1.2          9.3.3 Configuring Secondary Instances of Singleton System Components

The Oracle BI Cluster Controller, Oracle BI Scheduler, and Essbase Agent are singleton components that operate in active/passive mode. Configure a secondary instance of these components so that they are distributed for high availability.

Perform the following steps to configure secondary instances:

1.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control at http://biinternal.mycompany.com/em.
2.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_BI_domain_name window.
3.       Click coreapplication.
4.       Click Availability, then click Failover.
5.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration to activate the Primary/Secondary Configuration section of the Availability tab.
6.       Specify the Secondary Host/Instance for BI Scheduler, BI Cluster Controller, and Essbase Agent.
7.       In the Essbase Agents section, ensure that the Shared Folder Path is set to ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/cluster_name/Essbase/essbaseserver1.
Note: You must manually copy the contents of the ORACLE_INSTANCE/Essbase/essbaseserver1 directory to the shared folder path. (no aplica)
8.       Click Apply.
Under Potential Single Points of Failure, it reports No problems - all components have a backup.
9.       Click Activate Changes.

10.    Click Restart to apply recent changes.
11.    Click Restart under Manage System.
12.   Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

 Configurar boot.properties de todos los nodos bajar y subir nodos

# cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/bi_server2/security
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties

# cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties

crear la carpeta para el AdminServer HA del nodo 2

mkdir –p $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties


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