17 de diciembre de 2015

Como Habilitar Oracle BI Management Pack en GRID

Link a la documentación oficial:

1) Ingresamos a Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c como super usuario.

2) Hacemos click en Setup, panel superior a la derecha de todo, Luego en Management Packs y finalmente en "Management Pack Access".

3) Seleccionamos "Auto Licensing", lo cual nos permite que en el futuro si agregamos nuevos destinos de OBIEE, nos habilite el MP automáticamente.

Luego selecionamos Oracle BI Management Pack, y lo movemos a la lista de la derecha,

4) Click en Apply
5) vemos la  confirmación y listo.
Successfully applied auto licensing for given packs.

6) Para reflejar el cambio hay que volver a loguearse dentro de GRID

4 de diciembre de 2015

Puertos Disponibles en E-Business Suite / Port Pool List

La siguiente lista, simplifica la forma de ubicar y ver los puertos disponibles para utilizar en EBS.

Chequear Puertos Actuales:


Lista de pool y puertos Diponibles:

Pool DB Port RPC Port Web Listener Port forms Web Listener
0 1521 1626 8000 9000
1 1522 1627 8001 9001
2 1523 1628 8002 9002
3 1524 1629 8003 9003
4 1525 1630 8004 9004
5 1526 1631 8005 9005
6 1527 1632 8006 9006
7 1528 1633 8007 9007
8 1529 1634 8008 9008
9 1530 1635 8009 9009
10 1531 1636 8010 9010
11 1532 1637 8011 9011
12 1533 1638 8012 9012
13 1534 1639 8013 9013
14 1535 1640 8014 9014
15 1536 1641 8015 9015
16 1537 1642 8016 9016
17 1538 1643 8017 9017
18 1539 1644 8018 9018
19 1540 1645 8019 9019
20 1541 1646 8020 9020
21 1542 1647 8021 9021
22 1543 1648 8022 9022
23 1544 1649 8023 9023
24 1545 1650 8024 9024
25 1546 1651 8025 9025
26 1547 1652 8026 9026
27 1548 1653 8027 9027
28 1549 1654 8028 9028
29 1550 1655 8029 9029
30 1551 1656 8030 9030
31 1552 1657 8031 9031
32 1553 1658 8032 9032
33 1554 1659 8033 9033
34 1555 1660 8034 9034
35 1556 1661 8035 9035
36 1557 1662 8036 9036
37 1558 1663 8037 9037
38 1559 1664 8038 9038
39 1560 1665 8039 9039
40 1561 1666 8040 9040
41 1562 1667 8041 9041
42 1563 1668 8042 9042
43 1564 1669 8043 9043
44 1565 1670 8044 9044
45 1566 1671 8045 9045
46 1567 1672 8046 9046
47 1568 1673 8047 9047
48 1569 1674 8048 9048
49 1570 1675 8049 9049
50 1571 1676 8050 9050
51 1572 1677 8051 9051
52 1573 1678 8052 9052
53 1574 1679 8053 9053
54 1575 1680 8054 9054
55 1576 1681 8055 9055
56 1577 1682 8056 9056
57 1578 1683 8057 9057
58 1579 1684 8058 9058
59 1580 1685 8059 9059
60 1581 1686 8060 9060
61 1582 1687 8061 9061
62 1583 1688 8062 9062
63 1584 1689 8063 9063
64 1585 1690 8064 9064
65 1586 1691 8065 9065
66 1587 1692 8066 9066
67 1588 1693 8067 9067
68 1589 1694 8068 9068
69 1590 1695 8069 9069
70 1591 1696 8070 9070
71 1592 1697 8071 9071
72 1593 1698 8072 9072
73 1594 1699 8073 9073
74 1595 1700 8074 9074
75 1596 1701 8075 9075
76 1597 1702 8076 9076
77 1598 1703 8077 9077
78 1599 1704 8078 9078
79 1600 1705 8079 9079
80 1601 1706 8080 9080
81 1602 1707 8081 9081
82 1603 1708 8082 9082
83 1604 1709 8083 9083
84 1605 1710 8084 9084
85 1606 1711 8085 9085
86 1607 1712 8086 9086
87 1608 1713 8087 9087
88 1609 1714 8088 9088
89 1610 1715 8089 9089
90 1611 1716 8090 9090
91 1612 1717 8091 9091
92 1613 1718 8092 9092
93 1614 1719 8093 9093
94 1615 1720 8094 9094
95 1616 1721 8095 9095
96 1617 1722 8096 9096
97 1618 1723 8097 9097
98 1619 1724 8098 9098
99 1620 1725 8099 9099

20 de noviembre de 2015

Logs en EBS R12 - E-Business Suite

Logs Importantes en EBS 

Preclone log files in source instance
– Database Tier – /$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/(StageDBTier_MMDDHHMM.log)
– Application Tier – $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/ (StageAppsTier_MMDDHHMM.log)

Clone log files in target instance
– Database Tier – $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDBTier_.log
– Apps Tier – $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/admin/log/ApplyAppsTier_.log

– Database Tier opatch log – $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage

Autoconfig related log files in R12
Database Tier Autoconfig log :
– $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/MMDDHHMM/adconfig.log
– $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/MMDDHHMM/NetServiceHandler.log

Patching related log files in R12
– Application Tier adpatch log – $APPL_TOP/admin/$SID/log/  **VALIDAR***
– Developer (Developer/Forms & Reports 10.1.2) Patch – $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
– Web Server (Apache) patch – $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage

Application Tier Autoconfig log :
– $INST_TOP/admin/log/$MMDDHHMM/adconfig.log

Autoconfig context file location in R12
– $INST_TOP/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/appl/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME.xml

ICM Logs
Oracle Post-processing LOG



Apache Logs

Log Listener APPS Server

LOG Concurrentes

Version 12.2
Admin server   -   $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.log

oacore logfile  -  $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/oacore_server1/logs/oacore_server1.log

oacore out file  -  $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/oacore_server1/logs/oacore_server1.out

oacore diagnostic log -  $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/oacore_server1/logs/oacore_server1-diagnostic.log

oafm logfile -  $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/oafm_server1/logs/oafm_server1.log

oafm outfile -  $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/oafm_server1/logs/oafm_server1.out

oafm diagnostic log  - $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/oafm_server1/logs/oafm_server1-diagnostic.log

form server log  - $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/forms_server1/logs/forms_server1.log

form server access log  - $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/forms_server1/logs/access.log

form server out file  - $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/forms_server1/logs/forms_server1.out

form server diagnostic log  - $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/forms_server1/logs/forms_server1-diagnostic.log

forms-c4ws_server1 log  - $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/forms-c4ws_server1/logs/forms-c4ws_server1.log

forms-c4ws_server1 out file - $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/forms-c4ws_server1/logs/forms-c4ws_server1.out

forms-c4ws_server1 diagnostic log  -  $FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain_$TWO_TASK/servers/forms-c4ws_server1/logs/forms-c4ws_server1-diagnostic.log

13 de noviembre de 2015

Instalación OBIEE en alta Disponibilidad - HA

1.1   Prerequisitos

·         Cumplir con los prereq de SO de OBIEE
·         Tener instalado WL 10.3.6 previamente en el nodo1 y nodo2 en el mismo path (/u01/oracle/Middleware)
·         Contar con una BD Oracle y crear los repositorios de OBIEE con el RCU.

1.2   Instalación binarios OBIEE Nodo1

1.2.1          Ejecución Instalador

$ cd /Stage/bishiphome/Disk1
$ ./runInstaller

1.2.2          Especificar el OraInventory

Inventory Directory: /u01/oracle/oraInventory
Group: oinstall

“Tener root, para ejecutar el root.sh”

$ su – root
# cd /u01/oracle/oraInventory/
# sh createCentralInventory.sh
Setting the inventory to /oracle/oraInventory
Setting the group name to oinstall
Creating the Oracle inventory pointer file (/var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc)
Changing permissions of /u01/oracle/oraInventory to 770.
Changing groupname of /u01/oracle/oraInventory to oinstall.
The execution of the script is complete

Luego click en “OK”

1.2.3          Pantalla Bienvenida

Hacemos click en Next:

1.2.4          Install Sofware updates

Seleccionamos “Skip software update”y click en next

1.2.5          Select Installation Type

Elegimos “Software Only Install” and click en next

1.2.6          Prerequisite Checks

Si da todo ok, click en Next:

1.2.7          Specify Installation Locations

Buscamos el path donde instalamos WL , nos da un warning indicando que ya esta instlado.
Pero hacemos click en Next

1.2.8          Application Server

Seleccionamos “Weblogic” y click en Next

1.2.9          Summary

Click in Iinstall

1.3   Configuración de OBIEE Nodo1


1.3.1          Welcome

Click en Next

1.3.2          Prerequisite Checks

Precheck ok, click en next

1.3.3          Create a Domain

Select Password: weblogic1 and click in next

1.3.4          Specify Installation Locations

Se pueden dejar los valores por defecto y click en next.


1.3.5          Configure components

En una instalación standard de OBIEE, no hace falta seleccionar RT o Essbase Suite.

1.3.6          BIPLATFORM SCHEMA

String de conexión:
Luego click en next, , y automáticamente completa los datos para PROD_MDS

1.3.7          MDS Schema

Click en Next

1.3.8          Configure Ports

Dejamos la configuración por defecto en Next:

1.3.9          Security update

Deseleccionar utilizar Updates.

1.3.10      Proceso Configuración

Click in next

1.3.11      Summary

Es recomendable, guardar los datos de esta pantalla como un txt en el home del usuario.
Ya que nos deja las url de acceso  y path más importantes.

1.4   Configuraciones en Gral

1.4.1          Crear boot.properties

Este paso es necesario para que se pueda iniciar OBIEE por Línea de Comando sin que pida password,, luego del primer inicio la clave queda encriptada.
# cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/bi_server1/security
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties

$ cd $DOMAIN_HOME servers/AdminServer/security
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties

1.5   Configuración para Alta Disponibilidad en Nodo1

Del Manual:
Oracle® Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
Part Number E15722-05

HA OBIEE / WT Specifying the RPD Publishing Directory

1.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.
2.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_domain_name window.
3.       Click coreapplication.
4.       Click Deployment, then Repository.
5.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration.
6.       Select Share Repository and specify the RPD Publishing Directory for the Oracle BI Repository.
7.       In a Windows environment, you must specify a UNC path name.

_ Select Share Repository and specify the RPD Publishing Directory for the Oracle BI Repository.

_ Click Apply.
_ Click Activate Changes.

_ If you already have a repository deployed locally in your system, upload the repository again so that it gets copied to the shared location. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

cd $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository
cp * /oracle/shared/obiee/rpd Setting the Location of the Shared Oracle BI Presentation Catalog
1.       Copy the existing (locally published) catalog to the shared location. An example of a locally published catalog is:
2.       You must perform this step before designating the Catalog Location from Fusion Middleware Control.
3.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.
4.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_domain_name window.
5.       Click coreapplication.
6.       Click Deployment, then click Repository.
7.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration.
8.       Specify the Catalog Location for the shared Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.
9.       In a Windows environment, you must specify a UNC path name.

1.    Copy your existing (locally published) Oracle BI Presentation Catalog to the shared location. An example of a locally published catalog is:

cd  /oracle/Middleware/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/catalog/SampleAppLite

mkdir -p /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPresentationCatalog/SampleAppLite
cp -R * /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPresentationCatalog/SampleAppLite

    Click Apply.
    Click Activate Changes. Setting the Location of the Global Cache

The global cache resides on a shared file system (a mounted file system on UNIX, or a network shared drive on Windows) and stores purging events, seeding events (often generated by Agents), and result sets associated with seeding events. Note that each Oracle BI Server still maintains its own local query cache for regular queries.

Perform the following steps in Fusion Middleware Control:

1.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.
2.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_domain_name window.
3.       Click coreapplication.
4.       Click Capacity Management, then click Performance.
5.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration.
6.       In the Global Cache section, specify the shared location for storing purging and seeding cache entries in the Global cache path field. In a Windows environment, you must specify a UNC path name.
7.       Enter a value for Global cache size to specify the maximum size of the global cache (for example, 250 MB).
8.       Click Apply.
9.       Click Activate Changes.
10.    Click Restart to apply recent changes.
11.    Click Restart under Manage System.
12.    Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

mkdir -p /oracle/shared/obiee/BiGlobalCache

9.2.2 Setting the Location of the Shared Oracle BI Publisher Configuration Folder

Follow these steps to set server configuration options for Oracle BI Publisher:

 Copy the contents of the DOMAIN_HOME/config/bipublisher/repository directory to the shared configuration folder location.

cd $DOMAIN_HOME/config/bipublisher/repository
mkdir -p /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPublisherConfiguration/repository
cp -R * /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPublisherConfiguration/repository

    On APPHOST1, log in to BI Publisher with Administrator credentials and select the Administration tab.

    Under System Maintenance, select Server Configuration.

In the Path field under Configuration Folder, enter the shared location for the Configuration Folder.
In the BI Publisher Repository field under Catalog, enter the shared location for the BI Publisher Repository.


9.2.3 Reiniciar todo OBIEE

Because Oracle BI Publisher reads its configuration from the Administration Server central location rather than from the Managed Server's configuration directory when the Managed Servers are restarted, you must copy the XML configuration file for Oracle BI Publisher from the Managed Server to the Administration Server location.

Tenemos que copier el xmlp-server-config.xml a la ubicación compartida.

$ cd /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPublisherConfiguration/repository/Admin/Configuration
$ mv xmlp-server-config.xml xmlp-server-config.xml_old
$ cd $DOMAIN_HOME/config/bipublisher/repository/Admin/Configuration
$ cp xmlp-server-config.xml /oracle/shared/obiee/BiPublisherConfiguration/repository/Admin/Configuration

1.6   Instalación de Binarios de OBIEE en Nodo2

1.6.1          Instalación de Binarios de OBIEE en nodo 2

$ cd /Stage/bishiphome/Disk1
$ ./runInstaller

1.6.2          Especificar el OraInventory

Misma úbicación que en el nodo2,
Luego click en “OK”

1.6.3          Pantalla Bienvenida

Hacemos click en Next:

1.6.4          Install Sofware updates

Seleccionamos “Skip software update”y click en next

1.6.5          Select Installation Type

Elegimos “Software Only Install” and click en next(esto es para utilizar WL 10.3.6)

1.6.6          Prerequisite Checks

Si da todo ok, click en Next:

1.6.7          Specify Installation Locations

Buscamos el path donde instalamos WL , nos da un warning, pero hacemos click en Next

1.6.8          Application Server

Seleccionamos “Weblogic” y click en Next

1.6.9          Summary

Click in Iinstall

1.1   Scaling Out the System Components

 1.1.1          9.3.2 Scaling Out the System Components
cd /oracle/Middleware/Oracle_BI1/bin/
Perform the following steps to scale out the system components:
1.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.
2.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_domain_name window.
3.       Click coreapplication.
4.       Click Capacity Management, then click Scalability.
5.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration.
6.       For the APPHOST2 instance2 Oracle instance, increment the Oracle Business Intelligence components by 1:
        BI Servers
        Presentation Services
7.       Click Apply.
8.       Click Activate Changes.

1.1.2          9.3.3 Configuring Secondary Instances of Singleton System Components

The Oracle BI Cluster Controller, Oracle BI Scheduler, and Essbase Agent are singleton components that operate in active/passive mode. Configure a secondary instance of these components so that they are distributed for high availability.

Perform the following steps to configure secondary instances:

1.       Log in to Fusion Middleware Control at http://biinternal.mycompany.com/em.
2.       Expand the Business Intelligence node in the Farm_BI_domain_name window.
3.       Click coreapplication.
4.       Click Availability, then click Failover.
5.       Click Lock and Edit Configuration to activate the Primary/Secondary Configuration section of the Availability tab.
6.       Specify the Secondary Host/Instance for BI Scheduler, BI Cluster Controller, and Essbase Agent.
7.       In the Essbase Agents section, ensure that the Shared Folder Path is set to ORACLE_BASE/admin/domain_name/cluster_name/Essbase/essbaseserver1.
Note: You must manually copy the contents of the ORACLE_INSTANCE/Essbase/essbaseserver1 directory to the shared folder path. (no aplica)
8.       Click Apply.
Under Potential Single Points of Failure, it reports No problems - all components have a backup.
9.       Click Activate Changes.

10.    Click Restart to apply recent changes.
11.    Click Restart under Manage System.
12.   Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

 Configurar boot.properties de todos los nodos bajar y subir nodos

# cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/bi_server2/security
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties

# cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties

crear la carpeta para el AdminServer HA del nodo 2

mkdir –p $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer
$ echo "username=weblogic
password=weblogic1" > boot.properties